If none of the motors are working, start by checking the Node motor power pins. There should be a 12V constant at the motor power positive/negative. If you are not seeing 12V at the motor power pins, you will need to investigate why there is no source power.
After verifying 12V at the motor power pins, check the orange relay on the node labelled AWN1. When the awning is selected to extend, there should be 12V at the AWN1 relay. When the awning is selected to retract, there will be -12V at the AWN1 relay. If the AWN1 relay is not sending voltage on both extend and retract, then the node will need to be replaced.
Do the same tests on the slide relays - these are labelled S/O1, S/O2, and so on.
If the slide will extend but not retract, check if Single Slide Disable is active - this prevents the slide from closing due to a door being an obstacle. If there are 12V on pin 62 the slide will be disabled.
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